What is microneedling?
It is a non-invasive procedure for facial rejuvenation which involves the use of a micro-needling device that creates hundred of minute and invisible puncture wounds on the top layer of the skin. This puncture wound triggers the body to repair these micro-wounds by producing elastin and collagen which leads to reduced scarring and revitalized skin.
What is radio frequency?
Radio frequency is a type of energy that has been scientifically proven to stimulate collagen remodeling.
What is Morpheus8?
It is a device that combines combines micro-needling with radio frequency. This allows the provider to deliver the thermal energy to deeper tissue layers by way of the micro-needles. Patients get all the benefits of micro-needling combined with radio frequency which increases the amount of collagen stimulation.
What ares are treated with Morpheus8?
Any area of the face and body that exhibit wrinkles, laxity, jowling, discoloration or acne scarring are suitable for treatment. The most commonly treated areas include the face, neck, and abdomen.
How many treatments are required?
Varies by individual. You can expect to have some improvement between 1-3 sessions.
What do I need to do prior to my appointment?
If you have a history of cold sores or herpes call the office for prophylactic treatment prior to your appointment.
How does Morpheus 8 compare to other micro needling treatments?
Morpheus 8 is a subdermal adipose remodeling device. Which is a medical way of saying it remodels the fatty tissue below the skin. This device is capable of targeting tissues 4mm deep which is deeper than any other micro-needling device on the market to date.